Tuesday 6 June 2017

LO4: Review of assets

This is my masthead. I used the colours black and white for this as a lot of other indie magazines did this, this is to not to distract from the main cover image/ main cover line. I created a cord-like line to underline my text, I think this is a strength as it links to music. The word 'Unplugged' also links to music, this is used to connote that my magazine is about all the new music gossip.
To improve this I could used different colours and detail to make it look like a cord as the audience may not understand.

This is my graphic to put on the front cover. I think the pink border stands out against the front cover and keeps with the housestyle. I think a strength of this is the bold text as it catches the readers attention, although I feel the white is harsh and so that could be darkened to blend better.
 I created these boxes and banners for my contents page. I used these banners to separate out the different sections, I think a strength of them is that they add colour to the page and stick with house style colours. I think to improve on then I could have added a border around them to make them stand out more.
I think the boxes used for the numbers are effective as it clearly shows the number so it is easy for the reader to see.
This is my banner for my main coverline 'Electra Rose'. I made this with separate boxes for each letter, this was to make it look cut up and rough, this could be used to connote the life of Electra as broken, this is a strength as it creates both meaning and spectacle. To deepen the meaning further I could have used significantly different sized squares to make it more obvious.

This is the borders i used for my DPS, i created this by using the rectangle tool and then filling it in with  blue, next i duplicated this 4 times to go around the page. I put this on the create a consistent housestyle and design throughout the title page and DPS. I think keeping the design consistent is a strength as it creates brand. Although the border isn't that detailed with deep meaning which is a weakness.
This is a text box i created on my DPS for, i did this by using the rectangle tool and created a border. I think this looks quite professional and is similar to boxes i have looked at in NME and Q.
To create this i used the text tool with ostrichsans font, i think filled it with blue with a black outline, this was to stick with the houstyle colours but also make it standout and readable to the reader. i think it is a strength that i used this colour as it creates a brand throughout these pages.

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