Sunday 4 June 2017

LO3: Following codes and conventions

Front cover:
 The photograph taken for my front page is a medium close up of the artist, this is so she is recognised by the audience, also as she can clearly be seen she is an ideal self/partner to the audience which could make them want to read more. This is similar to NME as the models are easily recognisable so fans/audience can see the band and want to read more. My model is dressed in quite dark clothing with a stern face, this is used to give her an effortless look which is often common in indie artists, this also works with the B&W as it gives a moody atmosphere.
I applied a B&W filter (like in the NME) to create a contrast between her and the text, this is a popular convention of indie magazines as it catches the audience attention and makes them want to read more.
I added coloured banners to my front cover to stand out against the dark back, this attracts the readers attention and makes them want to red more about the artist/band.

The layout of the magazines are similar with a masthead, cover lines and graphics, these are conventions used in all magazines. I put the main coverline 'Electra Rose' in alternate boxes to give it a 'rough and ready' look, again this makes her look effortlessly cool.
I kept to 4 house style colours (black,white,yellow and pink), I alternated these throughout to vary the colours. The use of bright/neon colours was important as I wanted it the contrast against the dark background.

Contents page:
The photograph I have taken for my contents page is at a medium close up, this is so she is recognised by the audience. As my model has sunglasses on she looks cool and stylish which is what I wanted as she looks like an ideal partner/self to the audience, by doing this it is attracting the audience to read more about her. I took the photograph in shallow depth of field as it had a background and i wanted the focus to be on the model. This photograph is similar to the Q page as he connotes the same meaning, although he is at a long shot, this could be because he is already well know and so it is not as vital that he is recognised/remembered.

I used coloured banners which stick to my house style, this is to stand out and catch the reader attention- this can also create a brand as the house style is consistent.

I decided to place the dps pages which I have created down at the bottom, this a preview for the audience as they may see them and want to read more about it. This is often used (see Q) as it gets the reader interested early so they want to carry on reading. On these I added a dropshadow, this was to make them stand out and create dimension on the page.

I used bold text for the article/artists name to make it stand out and catch the attention of the reader, underneath I added a brief description of the article to get the reader interested. This is used across a range of different genres of magazines as it clearly shows the different articles and sections of the magazine.

Another convention I included was the date, this is important to let the reader know when this was released so they have the latest news, also this can be used to show the issue of the magazine.

Title page:
This is the photograph i am using for my title page for my DPS. I wanted to use this photograph as it shows the artists face very clearly (Medium close up), i used this because she is a new artist and needs to be recognised. This photograph fits the codes and conventions of my magazine as she is dressed with blue, this was because she is called 'Electra' i.e this connotes the colour electric blue, this creates a strong housestyle colour for my DPS.  Also i dressed my artist in this dress as it is quite vintage, this fits with my indie genre of my magazine.

This is a photograph from Q magazine, this is similar to my photograph as it is a medium close up. this page is set up the same as mine as it has the artist on one side with text on the other, this is to capture the audiences attention. i took my photo at a medium close up like this as i wanted the artist to be recognised, this makes the artist an ideal self/partner for the audience.

The layout of my title page is similar to the Adele page I have been looking at. Both of the names are big and bold, this is to make the artist recognisable to the audience and it is the most important part of the page. I placed the text alongside the photograph so to anchor the text to the photograph, this is important so the audience know what the photograph is for.

The photograph I have taken for this DPS is a long shot, this is because the model had already been introduced on the previous title page and so she is already known to the reader. Also the pose/composition of this photograph make the artist seem like an ideal self/partner as they look quite modelled. I took this at a shallow depth of field, this is because I wanted the artist to be the main focus.

The layout the my magazine is similar to NME as their is a page full with a picture and their name/coverline next to them on the next page. A lot of DPS' use this format to show off the artist while still including a full article.

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