Monday 13 March 2017

LO1:Masthead sample materials

These mastheads are all from similar magazines to what I want t create. I like this mastheads as they are very bold and straight to the point, I also like the masthead from 'Billboard' magazine as they have used colours to make them stand out as most of the rest are either white or black. I also like 'Kerrang' masthead as it has a smashed/cracked effect on it as it makes it look different and connotes a rock lifestyle. All the fonts are sans serif, this is to make them easy to read and recognisable to the audience. The word 'Clash' used by the magazine have connotations of broken, this is used to connote the audience and music they are interested in. All of these mastheads are similar because they all fit into the same genre, they all use san serif font which makes them easy and simple to read. Also most of them use either black or white colour, this is because it doesn't draw away from the main cover image which is what they want the audience to focus on. Most of them have the mastheads are either in all capital letters or all lowercase letters, this makes them noticeable to an audience. For my own masthead 'UNPLUGGED' I want to use all capital letters, also I am going to use the colour black and also maybe add in other colours in the gaps of the letters like 'Billboard' does.


Familiar Pro

Wild Arrows

My versions
On this version i added a line connecting to the 'U', this becuase i wanted it to look like a wire going over the top of the masthead.

On my second version i wanted to take out the middle section of the letters, this was to make it look interesting but it could also connote wires going through the letters.

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