Tuesday 23 May 2017

LO3: Contact sheet and evaluation

 Unusable Photographs contact print:

These photographs are unusable for my magazine because most of them are out of focus. Also image_7990 is taken at landscape, I would have wanted to use that photograph for the front cover and therefore it would have been taken at portrait. Image_7985 is overexposed, this is unusable as you cannot see the artists face which is essential for a front cover image.


These photographs are al usable for my magazine. I would like to use image_8129 on the first DPS, this is because it is a landscape photograph which shows off the models face clearly, i want the models face to be clear as then they are recognisable to an audience. Another photograph i could use for my first DPS is Image_8080 this is because i want to use a long shot of the artist, this can show the artists style and personality to the audience. I like a lot of these photographs as they as quite posey, this is important to connote Electra as an ideal self/partner to the audience. i have selected these usable photographs based on photographs i have seen in similar magazines.

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