Tuesday 23 May 2017

LO3: Setting up Adobe InDesign CS6

This is my visualisation diagram, i am using this to plan out my first DPS in InDesign 

These are the measurements i am using in InDesign to create my first DPS, i got these from my proposal. 

LO3: Contact sheet and evaluation

 Unusable Photographs contact print:

These photographs are unusable for my magazine because most of them are out of focus. Also image_7990 is taken at landscape, I would have wanted to use that photograph for the front cover and therefore it would have been taken at portrait. Image_7985 is overexposed, this is unusable as you cannot see the artists face which is essential for a front cover image.


These photographs are al usable for my magazine. I would like to use image_8129 on the first DPS, this is because it is a landscape photograph which shows off the models face clearly, i want the models face to be clear as then they are recognisable to an audience. Another photograph i could use for my first DPS is Image_8080 this is because i want to use a long shot of the artist, this can show the artists style and personality to the audience. I like a lot of these photographs as they as quite posey, this is important to connote Electra as an ideal self/partner to the audience. i have selected these usable photographs based on photographs i have seen in similar magazines.

LO3: Bodycopy for articles

DPS 1: Electra Rose
Electra Rose sees no limits with her eye-opening music, she focuses her music on herself and her experiences in life, and through this her fans can connect with her feeling and emotions.
 Electra takes gigs anywhere she can get to further share her talent with others. Her main gig venues are in places such as The Leadmill in the centre of Sheffield, I believe these types of intimate venues can offer the best type of atmosphere.

Electra Rose is rapidly taking the Sheffield music scene by storm! The 19 year old musician from Sheffield joined us for an exclusive interview:

How long have you been performing?
I have done music all my life and been brought up around it although I have only started professionally performing around 3 years ago. It takes a lot of courage to go up on stage and perform, especially when it’s your own music.

What instruments can you play?
I can play the guitar, I use that for a lot of my music. I can also play the piano and flute although I don’t use them that when making my music

What got you into music?
I first got into music when I went to secondary school as it had a good music program so I played a lot of different instruments from an early age. I guess what really got me into music was my family
upbringing as I have always grown up around music which got my interested to begin with.

Do you always perform original music?
Most of my music that I perform is original although I do cover some of my favourite songs. I used to only do covers when I was less confident in my own music.

What do you base your songs on?
I usually base my songs on anything in life, I like to take inspiration from things around me; I
see music as like poetry as it’s a way to self-express.

What do you base your songs on?
I usually base my songs on anything in life, I like to take inspiration from things around me; I see music as like poetry as it’s a way to self-express.

How long does it take you to write songs? Does it come naturally to you?
It depends on what I am going through at the time, it’s easier to write songs when I have things going on in my life, both good and bad. I feel writing songs does come naturally as I’ve been doing it all my life.

Who’s your favourite band/artist? Do they inspire you?
I love artists like Jake Bugg and Lorde as they always sing their thoughts and feelings. He definitely inspire me as I like to create meaningful music like him.

Do you hope to grow outside of Sheffield?
Of course I would like to grow as I want to share my music with everyone! Although I will never forget where I came from and where I started.