Friday 21 April 2017

LO2: Interview Questions

Interview One:

1. Who are your main inspirations in music?

2. How long have you been performing?
"I have done music all my life but only started professionally performing around 3 years ago"

3.What got you into music?
"My secondary school had a good music program so I played different instruments from an early age, I guess that got me into music but I have always grown up around music so that is what really got me interested"
4. What do you base your songs on?
"anything in life, I like to take inspiration from things around me; I see music as like poetry as its a way to self express"

5. How long does it take you to write songs? does it come naturally?
"It depends on what I am going through at the time, its easier to write songs when I have things going on in my life, both good and bad."

6. How do you plan to grow in the future?
"I would quite like to do some collaborations with other artists to explore new styles. I would mainly like to just grow my fanbase and music reputation."
7. What venues do you perform in?
"Mainly Bars and Clubs, that's where I get most of my audience"

8. Do you hope to grow outside of Sheffield?
"of course I do! but I would never forget where I came from and where I started"

9. Where do you get your style from? who inspires you?
"I love weird and  wonderful clothes, i'm quite out there when it comes to fashion. I enjoy shopping at vintage shops because they always have a weird and unique edge to them"
"I get my style inspo mainly from online personalities because they are never afraid to where out there clothing"

10.What genre of music do you fit into?
"defiantly indie and indie rock"
11.Who's your favourite band/artist?
"I love artists like Jake Bugg and Lorde as they always sing their thoughts and feelings. I like to listen to slow and meaningful music a lot"

12.What instruments can you play?
"I can play the guitar, I use that for a lot of my music. I can also play the piano and flute although I don't use them that music when making my music"

13. Do you always perform original music?
"most of my music is original but I do do covers of my favourite songs"

14. ?

15. What kind of hobbies do you do outside of music?
"I love shopping and going out with my friend, just generally being a normal teenager!"

Monday 3 April 2017

LO2: Gaining permission

Blank Release and consent form

I gained permission to use Fiona Murray in my magazine via email: